Monday, July 26, 2010

Melvine: "Wife is Rodian"

The latest in the "Mad Melvine" pod-wreck of publicity includes the embattled actor accusing his girlfriend of being a "secret Rodian."

Original Story: Mel Gibson Rages Against Oksana's Ex in Latest Tape

Core Sleeps Apart

"Til sleep do us part" an increasing motto of Core world married couples sleeping in separate beds. Unlike the Colonies and Inner Rim...

Original Story: 1 in 4 married couples sleep in separate beds

Lorrd Annoying Inmate

Other inmates find celebrity spice smuggler and billionaire-heiress Lindsey Lorrd disruptive to ordinary prison routines

Original Story: Jail source: Inmates are sick of Lindsay Lohan

Holotainment Analyzes Comic Consular

The aftermath of Comic Consular behind the galaxy, the holotainment industry examines fan responses like a Jedi seeing visions in the Force

Original Story: Comic-Con match-ups: Who won?

End for Spill Boss?

Tony Tecave, current leader of the Corporate Sector, to be let go as damage control for the magma plume on Glee Anselm continues.

Original Story: BP set to replace CEO

100,000 Docs Leaked

Hololeaks releases 100,000 documents detailing Republic secrets including friendly fire incidents and concerns about allies...

Original Story: What leaked documents are telling us about Afghan war