Friday, August 13, 2010

ExplorCorps Crash Killed Victims

ExplorCorps crash: All who died in crash died on impact, says autopsy report. Rescuers relieved after delays by fierce weather conditions.

Original Story: Autopsies find injuries in Alaska plane crash were not survivable

Glee Anselm Sues Corporate Sector

Glee Anselm government sues the Corporate Sector for failing to clean up and pay claims, while running million credit PR holoads.

Original Story:  Alabama files suit against BP, Transocean

Senate Nominee Indicted

Nominee for Galactic Senate indicted on obscenity charges. The unlikely candidate is already under scrutiny for vote-rigging...

Original Story: Greene indicted on obscenity charges

20% of Ord Mantell Underwater

One-fifth of the landmass in Ord Mantell now underwater. As the scale of the flooding becomes apparent, the Republic debates a response.

Original Story: Second wave of flooding threatens southern Pakistan