Sunday, August 22, 2010

Glee Anselm Magma Sealed?

"I thought it was already sealed?" Glee Anselm residents confused as Corporate Sector engages in its 14th "final seal" of the magma plume.

Original Story: Allen: 'Bottom kill' could be complete by week after Labor Day

Disease Stalks Ord Mantell

Disease stalks Ord Mantell in the wake of floods which covered 20% of the habitable land mass. Many ill are not reported due to isolation...

Original Story: South Pakistan villagers flee threatened areas

Brazen Bith Prowl Painting

50 billion credit painting by Unna Lettu reported stolen from museum in a brazen daylight robbery. Two Bith are held in connection.

Original Story: Egyptian minister says Van Gogh picture still missing
Additional Information: Unna Lettu

Smuggler/Sith Fight

Major battle on the Sith borderworlds of Empire and Republic space. Battling smuggler and Sith warships reported around five systems...

Original Story: Drug traffickers, Mexican police battle within yards of U.S. border

New Credit Rules Begin

New Republic Credit rules take effect, protecting consumers from high fees and data-transfer-outages.

Original Story: New credit card restrictions take effect