Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tragedy at Leisure Games

Finalist dies in Galactic Leisure Games on Kattada. The young Duros from Ord Zat was leading in the "Hot Mist Room" portion of the Games...

Original Story: Finalist dies at World Sauna event in Finland

Beating is Traditional Dance?

Rattataki man accused of beating wife in front of Dorumaa store was "performing traditional 'thief's dance.'"

Original Story: Turkish man accused of wife beating in NZ 'was dancing'

Sugar Ship Released

Pirates abandon hijacked vessel off Iego when cargo determined to be algae sugar, not unprocessed energy.

Original Story: Pirates abandon sugar ship Syria Star seized off Horn
Additional Information: algae sugar

Beebleberries in Sith Space?

Sith Empire deal with comlink manufacturers almost concluded. Beebleberry comlinks are currently under scrutiny due to lack of oversight...

Original Story: Saudi accord to prevent ban on Blackberry 'in sight'

Floods Pummel Ord Mantell

"Red alert" on Ord Mantell - "historic floods" sweep southward into the plains, prompting mass evacuations.

Original Story: Pakistan issues flooding 'red alert' for Sindh province