Monday, December 20, 2010

Rare Solstice Lunar Eclipse

Local News: Your planet may be having a total lunar eclipse tonight!

Learn more here: Solstice Lunar Eclipse

Droids: "Don't Ask" Lifted

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban lifted on droids in the Republic Military. Considered prejudicial because of past beliefs about droids...

Original Story: US Senate lifts 'don't ask, don't tell' gay soldier ban

Hyperspace Freeze Disrupts Travel

"Hyperspace freeze" shuts down travel, both commercial and personal, throughout the Inner Rim. As spaceports close, supplies dwindle...

Original Story: Snow disrupts travel across northern Europe

Militants Sabotage Freighters

Militants sabotage fleet of supply freighters bound for Ord Mantell, the latest in Republic setbacks in the region.

Original Story: Militants attack two fuel tankers, Pakistani official says

Bothan Exercise Ends

Bothan military exercises end on the Hutt border, Bothans and other border planet citizens begin to filter back to threatened worlds...

Original Story: S. Korea's live-fire drill ends calmly; country still on high alert