Monday, August 23, 2010

Woods' Divorce Final

Famous greenputter Bha'lir Woods is single after his divorce became final today. Woods' infidelity came to light after a speeder crash...

Original Story: Tiger Woods' divorce finalized

Tweet Lunch Deal

"Tweet" your lunch, says Coruscant eatery. Customers who broadcast their order can get discounts if others buy it, making lunch a game.

Original Story: Restaurant urges eating and tweeting(2:05)

Sith Temple Protested

Bitter protests surround building of Sith temple on Coruscant. While peaceful, tensions are high as protestors promise more direct action.

Original Story: Rival protests held at New York Ground Zero mosque site

Hung Bodies Found

Grim escalation in gang wars on Nar Shaddaa as several bodies are hung from a bridge in warning.

Original Story: Bodies hung from bridge in Cuernavaca, Mexico

Miners Alive in Shelter

Miners on Apatros presumed dead in cave-in are alive and safe in a shelter. Rescue crews will take several months to reach them.

Original Story: Trapped Chilean miners: 'We are fine in the shelter'

Bloody End to Hijacking

Discharged Republic Trooper hijacks shuttle and takes hostages. Several hostages killed in police assault on shuttle, hijacker shot dead.

Original Story: Bloody end to Philippines hostage drama