Friday, September 17, 2010

Invasive Aliens Cost

Leading Core World planetologists warn of invasive alien species in most planets' ecosystems, with damage of 12 quadrillion credits a year.

Original Story: Urgent call on EU to stop billion-euro 'alien invasion'

Trapped Miners Reached

Borehole reaches trapped Apatros miners, who responded with a muffled cheer followed by a game of sabaac using new chips sent down the hole.

Original Story: 2nd bore hole reaches 33 trapped in Chile mine

Holotoonist Hides

The holotoonist behind "Draw Darth Andeddu Day" goes into hiding amongst increasing death threats. The holotoonist from Byblos called off...

Original Story: US cartoonist goes into hiding after threat from Islamic extremists

Smashers to be Billed

Planners for the "Sith Holocron Smashing Day" to be billed 180,000 credits for security preparations that were not needed.

Original Story: City plans to bill pastor for security around planned Quran burning