Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spice Penalties Reworked

Republic penalties for possession of spice or glitterstim made more consistent in a new law signed by the Chancellor.

Original Story: Obama signs bill reducing cocaine sentencing gap

Border Citizens Fear Violence

Citizens of Sith/Republic border worlds fear violence as Republic drawdown continues.

Original Story: Iraqis fear renewed violence as U.S. disengages

Logo Display Challenged

Republic to the holonet: Don't use our logos, it's illegal! Holonet to Republic: I don't think that law means what you think it means.

Original Story: FBI to Wikipedia: Remove our seal

Republic Ups Magma Estimates

Galactic Republic reluctantly upgrades magma estimates on Glee Anselm, making it the worst magma eruption on a settled planet in history.

Original Story: Feds Dramatically Increase Oil Spill Estimate, Making BP's The Worst Offshore Oil Accident In History